понедельник, 27 мая 2013 г.

Quietly Thinking Aloud

heirofmedusa: The Blog of a Self Satisfied Loser: a long post where i vent and explain why black...


The Blog of a Self Satisfied Loser: a long post where i vent and explain why black people hate white people as well as the race-spam





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Well then…..image

"black people dont hate white people because of slavery. they dont blame you for your…


abortionista: if u think my constant vocal feminism is annoying imagine how annoying the patriarchy...


if u think my constant vocal feminism is annoying imagine how annoying the patriarchy is to me

This really isn't that difficult to grasp.



1) Benedict Cumberbatch gave a phenomenal performance as Khan Noonien Singh in Star Trek: Into Darkness.

2) The casting of a white man as Khan Noonien Singh in 2013 is HIGHLY PROBLEMATIC.

3) Both of these things can be true at the same time.

4) No, really; they can.

No one is questioning Eggs and Snatch's ability as an actor.

He's a great actor, actually.

But he was a white man cast in the role of a character who was explicitly stated to be a person of color.

Also, he's very, very ugly and not what comes to mind when I think of an Ubermensch archetype.

…I don’t disagree with points 3 and 4, but I can’t agree with point 1. It is true that he gave a phenomenal performance and it is true that he was cast as Khan Noonien Singh; it does not follow from these two points that he gave a phenomenal performance as Khan Noonien Singh. 

For reasons beyond the casting (though that’s a huge factor), for the first time in the reboot universe I have a hard time accepting that I’m watching the same person I saw in the preboot universe.

I wonder how many people identify as genderqueer in Somalia





Oh, wait. I forgot. Those people have actual problems.

I'm from a "third world country" and to add to that I'm from a very conservative predominantly Muslim country. I'm about to drop a BOMB SHELL on you, bro. 

There are gay people. There are genderqueer people. There are trans* people. But they can't be open about it for the most part because they may even be shunned by their own family. We are all products of our society and there is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with exploring yourself and your feelings and your identity. 

If it's safe and you can share it why the fuck not? Because if someone has the audacity to put a name to their identity then we can't deal with poverty or racism? 

No shut up. 

Also here are some more fun facts:

  • We have internet!
  • We have sex!
  • I had a pet cat!
  • I was a specialized education teacher! (And I'm a woman! WHAT!)
  • We had feminism!
  • We had hardcore and punk and rap shows/Music scene!
  • Cable TV!
  • Parks and playgrounds!
  • Medical care!
  • Cell phones! 

All this and I'm still worried about silly things like racism, sexism and cissexism! And I still think you're ridiculous and have made absolutely zero points! 

I'm sorry you think we're too primitive to know about gender identity. 

lol The op deactivated

heh heh good

Attached below is a chart of all the time the OP ever spent thinking about the problems of people in Somalia for any reason other than to make a rhetorical point about people they think are silly and/or icky.

do u think parapeligic white people are still more privileged than able bodied black people?

Let me give you a scenario.

Some people have pizza. Some people have ice cream. Some people have pizza and ice cream. You have ice cream. 

Imagine I come up to you and say, "It might seem like you only have ice cream, but since you have ice cream, technically, you have pizza."

Would that make any sense to you? At all? I mean, would you even begin to follow what is going on in in my head that makes me think that ice cream and pizza are the same thing? I'm not even talking about whether one is better than the other or not, but whatever their relative value, you know they're not the same thing.

And now imagine that most people who have pizza also have ice cream, but you've only got ice cream and someone comes up to you and says, "You think you've got it bad? Some people only have pizza, but you…you've got ice cream!" while they're clearly enjoying their pizza and ice cream.

That's the logic at work in hypotheticals like this. Privileges aren't interchangeable quantities. You don't lose white privilege for being disabled. Society removes access to things with disability, but white people are more likely to have access to medical care that prevents/mitigates conditions that can lead to disability and we also have greater access to begin with. If you're trying to quantify the effects of privilege, the comparison is between white people with disabilities and Black people with disabilities. And do note the plurals. Inventing one hypothetically very institutionally powerless white person doesn't say anything about privilege or society

widdershinsgirl: equalityandthecity: Advice from Will...



Advice from Will Smith 

Actual perfect human being Will Smith.

Don't teach kids that their body is wrong


Something that can happen in therapy for disabled kids is:

People hold out hope that the kid won't be disabled anymore, when they grow up.

So they push the kid as hard as possible in childhood, and tell them (often without saying this explicitly) that if they just work hard, their body won't be wrong anymore.

This doesn't work.

People who are disabled as children are usually still disabled as adults. Even if the therapy helped them. Even if they gained new physical abilities. Even if they learned things from it they wouldn't have learned without it.

Even if they learn to walk. Even if they learn to talk. No matter what other skills they acquire. Their body is probably going to stay very different from most other people's bodies, and far from the cultural norm.

And… part of living well as a person with a disability is accepting the body and the brain that you have, and working with it rather than against it. 

Because you can't live in an imaginary body; you can't live in an abstraction. You have to live your own life, as you actually are. And sometimes that involves medical treatment, sometimes it involves equipment, sometimes it involved therapy - but always, it involves reality. You can't willpower yourself into being someone else. 

Disabled kids tend to get taught the opposite message, because childhood therapy is usually cure-oriented even for conditions that aren't anywhere close to curable. It's about normalization, much more than functioning well.

Then they go through all manner of hell unlearning this once they're old enough that everyone gives up on pretending that a cure is going to happen.

If you're responsible to or for kids with disabilities, do what you can to protect them from this. Make sure they aren't being pushed to hang their self-worth on accomplishing things that are physically impossible or implausible. Help them to understand hat their bodies aren't wrong. Teach them that they already have lives worth living.

Topless pic.

Topless pic.

what are the top five Things you associate with me


do this

"We [Fraction and his wife, Kelly Sue DeConnick] were pregnant at the time, and while I was out there..."


We [Fraction and his wife, Kelly Sue DeConnick] were pregnant at the time, and while I was out there I started to realize that if I had a daughter, there would come a day when I would have to apologize to her for my profession. I would have to apologize for the way it treats and speaks to women readers, and the way it treats its female characters.

I knew that if we had a daughter, because I know my wife and I know the kind of girl she wants to raise and I know the kind of girl I want to raise, she was going to look at what I did for a living and want to know how the fuck I could stomach it. How could I sell her out like that?" Fraction continued. "That conversation is still coming, and I'm bracing for it in the way that some dads brace for their daughter's first date or boyfriend. I became acutely aware that I had sort of done that thing that lots of privileged hetero cisgendered white dudes do. 'I'm cool with women, and that's enough.' It's not enough. It's embarrassing to say, because we somehow have attached shame to learning and evolving our opinions, culturally, but I became aware that there was a deficiency of and to women in my work, and all I could do at that moment was take care of my side of the street.


- Writer Matt Fraction on his role on expanding the profile of female characters in the Marvel Universe. (via goodmanw)

liberalsarecool: The GOP hates students, loves their debt...


The GOP hates students, loves their debt payments.

I attempt an expression.

I attempt an expression.

deducecanoe replied to your photo: Ready for WisCon! See my face? I'm enthused. That is,indeed, the...

deducecanoe replied to your photo: Ready for WisCon! See my face? I'm enthused.

That is,indeed, the face of enthusiasm. Love the rainbow hair :) Dye job, or wig??


When you wear two hats, are they two small hats adjacent to each other or are the hats on top of each other?

They are in a state of quantum superposition with each other. 

Bless you

Same to you, buddy!

Do you always wear a hat?

Sometimes I wear two!

Ready for WisCon! See my face? I'm enthused.

Ready for WisCon! See my face? I'm enthused.

mattbellamysfolds: "if i'm a person of color, i'm allowed to hate white people!!!!' "if i'm gay,...


"if i'm a person of color, i'm allowed to hate white people!!!!'

"if i'm gay, i'm allowed to hate straight people!!!!"

"if i'm a woman, i'm allowed to hate men!!!"

"if i'm trans*, i'm allowed to hate cis people!!!"


The problem with this post—one of the problems with this post—is what we might call the logic of allowance. In point of fact, the reverse of those statements is true across the board.

White people are allowed to hate people of color, and we do, with wide-reaching results. Straight people are allowed to hate gay people, and they do, with wide-reaching results. Men are allowed to hate women, and they do, with wide-reaching results. Cis people are allowed to hate trans* people, and they do, with wide-reaching resutlts. These hatreds are allowed, encouraged, supported, and upheld on systemic and personal levels. 

The “reverse hatreds” being cited with such gleeful derision (this is hateful post, by the way… whether you agree with its sentiments or not, this post mocks people and kicks them when they’re down and I’m very disappointed to see a blog that I don’t think of as hateful reblogging it) aren’t actually allowed. They aren’t tolerated. They are slapped down. Just observe on Tumblr how a person of color who is not suitably deferential to white people… and this is a moving goalpost, often an invisible goalpost that is erected on the fly specifically to pounce on and victimize a particular blogger… observe how they get treated. Observe the reaction to trans* people who don’t bow to cis sensibilities.

And some might say “WELL WHAT DO YOU EXPECT WHEN YOU SAY THINGS LIKE DIE CIS SCUM OR DEMAND WHITE PEOPLE EXPLAIN WHY THEY’RE FOLLOWING YOU”, but here’s the thing: those things are reactions. And I’m sure the person who made this post and everyone who co-signs it would say “well, those reactions are just as bad as the actions they’re a response to”.

First of all, they’re not, on any level. You might believe in your heart of hearts that they’re not good, but there’s a severe imbalance of power and a resulting imbalance in effect. If a tractor trailer hauling several tons of cargo has a head-on collision with a smart car… well, we could say that they both hit each other. But that descriptor tells us nothing about the aftermath.

Or to use a better example: a pedestrian gets struck in the crosswalk by a car. Might the pedestrian have looked both ways or exercised more care to avoid the accident? Yes, possibly. But the impact of the car on the pedestrian matters more than the impact of the pedestrian on the car, a fact which is actually recognized by law.

Second… if they’re just as bad, well, then why do so many ~*good progressives*~ expend so much time and energy addressing only half of the problem? You can believe that two wrongs don’t make a right, but by addressing the second wrong, you’re implying that one wrong is just hunky-dory. And the wrong you seek to redress says a lot about the actual values that guide your hand.

You could say hate isn’t a Christian value. How about recognizing when someone is in pain and giving them balm? Is that a Christian value? Is it a Christian value to see a scream of rage and frustration and blame the person who gave vent to it?

Jesus might as well have said “I was powerless and you did not empower me, I was defenseless and you did not protect me, I was marginalized, and you did not center me.” when he spoke of physical hunger and thirst.

The hatred society directs at “the least among us” is lethal; the hatred reflected back is an embarrassing reminder of the cloud of hostility and threats society forces them to live under. That’s why we’re so uncomfortable with the latter, even as we blithely accept all but the most blatant and egregious examples of the former, and try to rationalize away or deny what we can’t ignore.

strugglingtobeheard: girljanitor: canikon-bokeh: fuckyeahphone...






Damn… Just… Damn…

Rocko is my phone sex idol.  I want to make a listing where all I say is "oh baby oh baby oh baby" in an Australian accent.  

wtf how were these cartoons allowed? lol

seriously, when i think back on it, i don't even know. I should watch them again and see if it holds up.

Lol sweet. Wut? I looooved rocko but never remembered this being his job. Plus how often you get portrayals of guy sex workers?

It was part of a montage of different jobs he tried, if I recall. They implied he quit after Mrs. Bighead dialed in and they recognized each other's voices.

Blog Post: Thursday, May 23rd

Blog Post: Thursday, May 23rd:

The Daily Report


I'm not there yet, I'm writing this post from my gate at the airport. I had to go online (using my phone, not the airport wifi) to make an update on the new MU chapter to reflect that the building naming rights have been purchased and thought I would make a quick status post while I'm here.

Not much to report. Travel got off to a rough start with the taxi service but has gone well since then. Remember when I said the bump to Tales of MU traffic was subsiding but slower than I'd expected? It's bounced back up, and I'm not seeing anything standing out in the referral links. Don't know what that's about. People who bookmarked it for later? People who checked it out and liked what they saw but didn't have time to go through it? Actually, people suddenly having more spare time might have something to do with it, as we're reaching the end of school years.

The State of the Me

Underslept, underfed, and underway.

Plans For Today

Cornish pasties for lunch, Brazilian steakhouse for dinner. Dining in downtown Madison!

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